• "Most importantly, the two mediums share the same objective: to help their audience make sense of the world. A dialectic study of the two mediums can introduce ways in which they can use the tools of the other to further this shared goal. Specifically, how have journalism and theatrical practices historically represented 'the real'? This thesis will examine their methodologies and the effectiveness of their approach to their objectives, their collaborations, and how the two mediums might benefit both practices."


  • "Video games have become so embedded in modern culture that the debate surrounding the negative effects of video games no longer seems pertinent. Rather, if we accept that video games are as big a part of our lives as other forms of entertainment like books and movies, perhaps a better question to ask is how we can make the most of video games to better our lives."


  • "Shinkai explores what it means to be connected to someone's interior life without knowing who they are in relation to the world. Yukari and Takao, not knowing who the other is outside of the shelter that they meet in — share instead their dreams, struggles and "private shameful pleasures" (Shen, 2016). And though it takes different forms across his oeuvre, the question —what does it mean to really connect with someone—is central to the cinema of Makoto Shinkai."


  • "Typically, sounds such as slurping, rustling bags, non-essential conversations and the crackling of a space heater are relegated to the background. Instead, Kore-eda chooses to have these sounds overlap each other, resulting in a chaotic mish mash of noises that is mimetic of the lives our protagonists live. In forcing the audience to listen to all the sounds the characters do in the scene, instead of fading some out, Kore-eda invites the audience into a reality that most are aware of but unfamiliar with. It begs the question, how does Kore-eda’s use of everyday sounds force us to confront hidden realities?"